MWG Apparel

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MWG Apparel

MWG Apparel provides the world’s most comprehensive collection of arc-rated safety apparel in the US and Canada. They have built their brand on quality personal protection equipment that has been developed and designed with one goal in mind, keeping workers safe and comfortable, even in extreme conditions. These specialty protective outfits protect against electric arcs, flash fires, and meet high visibility requirements. Their expert team collaborates closely with clients to deliver custom safety solutions that foster safe and inclusive workplaces.

Challenge & Goal

Operating out of Winnipeg for nearly a century, MWG Apparel has been helping to keep workers safe across Canada and the US. In both regions, website traffic and sales have remained steady for the past few years, and it was time to light a fire under their online strategy. Recognizing the US as a market ripe with potential, MWG Apparel teamed up with CSP and together built a plan to establish better online visibility in the US. They also set goals to further enhance their organic search traffic into a higher converting and revenue-generating channel.


The overall goal of this campaign was to improve organic traffic from the US, improve the rankings for critical keywords, and see an increase in revenue from search traffic. In short, they wanted to dominate the SERP and see an increase in sales, without a negative ROI.

Strategy & Tactics

The first step in this campaign was a deep SEO analysis focusing on e-commerce performance and identifying the leading competition in the US. We also performed a technical audit and evaluated backlinks to get a holistic view of the site and its opportunities for growth. We noticed several tiny adjustments to the products, such as meta descriptions, schema, and internal links, that when compounded together made for a much stronger e-commerce site. 


We also noticed that MWG had an effective email strategy, releasing high-quality content complete with infographics and useful information. However, these great works of content were only being used for email and were not utilized elsewhere in their other channels. We collaborated to add this information to upcoming blogs and on-page content to further enhance its impact and reach, resulting in a cohesive and effective message, both on and off the site.

Managing the technical SEO for e-commerce sites is crucial, but can feel like an arduous task, especially with so many different areas for potential optimization. The CSP team focused on key areas such as ensuring each product had an accurate description, meta tags, internal links, and much more. We also implemented structured data for rich snippets to improve product visibility in search results.

A content plan was created to target both B2B and DTC pipelines since MWG Apparel sells to suppliers as well as directly to individuals and small businesses. This plan included detailed content blueprints and intensive keyword targeting to help improve SERP ranking and improve the overall visibility of the site. We also tied together email marketing and content-creation strategies for a unified approach that enchanted the efforts of both channels.

An initial analysis was conducted to understand the overall link profile and the competitive landscape. Using historical trends, competitive insights, and the company’s own SEO goals, a strategy was created to generate new, relevant, and trustworthy links each month.

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Summary & Results

MWG Apparel has a reputation for quality and security which they leveraged to help expand into a greater area. Focusing on organic growth strategies, they partnered with CSP to craft a winning SEO campaign and saw significant improvement across several key metrics. Compared to the previous year, MWG experienced over double the impressions, a significant increase in sales by Search traffic, and stable keyword growth. They also achieved their primary goal of increased US visibility, with a 40% increase in traffic from the US YoY.


This growth was the result of a comprehensive SEO strategy that included on-page content creation, technical optimization, and integrating effective marketing channels with the website for enhanced content. Regular meetings between the two companies ensured constant communication and that everyone was on the same page each step of the way. In the end, MWG Apparel experienced a successful SEO campaign that met their goals by improving US traffic, keyword reach, and SERP presence.

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At CSP we carefully vet each project and only engage with those we are confident will be successful and deliver a strong ROI. We’re a low-turnover business and we take the outcome of every SEO project very seriously.

Get in touch today for an analysis by an SEO expert. No dog and pony show or big sales pitches, we will explore the project with you and if there’s a good fit, we’ll work hard to earn your business.