Professional Google Analytics 4 Audit & Setup

If understanding your website’s visitor behavior, ensuring digital marketing is performing, and if reporting accurate sales information is important to you, then correctly setting up Google Analytics 4 is crucial to your business. A properly set up analytics account connects backend, business data with front-end visitor behavior & marketing data to get a 360-degree view of your digital business. This means that you can track website traffic, demographics data, key business metrics, custom-built events, sales, and so much more. It’s a necessary tool for any business that wants to grow beyond the Mom & Pop stage and is used by nearly every major business around the globe.
A person looking at data on a screen
A man sitting down with a laptop.
A hand pointing at Google Analytics data.

Challenges With Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Google has drastically revamped the Google Analytics platform, transitioning from a session-based to an event-based measurement method. This significant change alters how we analyze marketing data, with some metrics that were previously counted in Universal Analytics potentially not being counted in GA4. Recognizing this gap, we aim to inform others about these changes and, more importantly, guide them on implementing a solution effectively.

If you are setting up your own GA4 account, then you might run into challenges such as:

  • Setting up complex reporting
  • Not having 360 analytics
  • Improper event tagging


  • Troubleshooting Google’s “setup wizard”
  • Steep learning curve
  • Configuration issues


The Benefits of A Properly Running GA4 Account

A correct GA4 configuration ensures a continuous, uninterrupted flow of accurate data to inform your business decisions. If you want to achieve your marketing goals, then you need to understand where you stand and how close you are to each benchmark. 

Without accurate and reliable data, you’ll be making decisions based on your gut, while the competition builds its strategies around proven insights and calculated metrics. Partnering with CSP to setup your Google Analytics includes benefits such as:

A detailed and comprehensive system audit
Validation for events, collections, data streams, and retention to ensure that everything is set up correctly.
Thorough data collection
We leverage the collection of data layers, (CMS systems, shopping carts, etc.) to ensure nothing is left behind.
Detailed digital business analysis
New events and tags added as necessary for better tracking and to to ensure key website events are captured.
Connected front-end and backend analytics
This allows for a 360 degree view of your data, tracking what the front-end sends to the backend and how it is measured.
Meetings on your schedule
We allow for frequent meetings about your business goals to ensure everyone is on the same page and you understand the data we are providing.
Future Growth
Partner with CSP for continued reporting and advice to optimize the site and improve key metrics.

Strategy & Considerations When Using Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics (GA4) effectively requires tailored strategies and considerations based on the specific needs and goals of your industry. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy, and while we always tailor our work to the client’s needs, there are some good rule-of-thumb practices to follow. 

Different industries, whether it’s e-commerce, healthcare, finance, retail, or SaaS, each require distinct tracking methods, compliance considerations, and key performance metrics. For instance, while e-commerce may prioritize tracking user journeys and optimizing conversion rates, healthcare focuses on patient interactions and regulatory compliance.

By customizing GA4 strategies that align with the specific challenges and objectives of your industry, you can gain deeper insights and make more informed, data-driven decisions.

A transparent image used for creating empty spaces in columns

Investing in professional Google Analytics setup ensures accurate data collection, custom reporting, and valuable insights into your product’s performance. A properly set up account connects the backend and business data with marketing efforts for a 360-degree view of your business’s performance. This also enables customized goal and conversion tracking so you always have the key information you need at hand and in real-time.

While a correctly set up Google Analytics delivers actionable insights for informed decisions that drive business growth, an incorrectly set up Analytics account might just return garbage. Don’t risk making your next decision on bad information. Get in touch with an expert at CSP and ensure you have the data needed to take your business to the next level.

Speak with an expert

At CSP we carefully vet each project and only engage with those we are confident will be successful and deliver a strong ROI. We’re a low-turnover business and we take the outcome of every SEO project very seriously.

Get in touch today for an analysis by an SEO expert. No dog and pony show or big sales pitches, we will explore the project with you and if there’s a good fit, we’ll work hard to earn your business.